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tv   The Early Show  CBS  January 4, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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targeting terror. the tsa announces passengers from 14 countries will now face tougher security measures to get into the u.s. this as president obama heads back to work to meet with the nation's top security advisers. a brutal blast of winter starts the new year for much of the country as the deep freeze stretches all the way from minnesota to parts of florida. we'll tell you when the cold snap may finally come it an end. family an friends go on the offensive to help find susan powell. the utah mother who has been missing for nearly a month. we'll talk to one of her closest friends about the desperate search. and the world's tallest skyscraper opens for business early this monday morning january 4th, 2010. early this monday morning january 4th, 2010. frs frs captioning funded by cbs
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good morning. i'm harry smith. >> and i'm maggie rodriguez. happy new year. first monday of 2010. how was your holiday? >> really good. and you? >> very good. >> good to have you back. >> thanks. i missed you. >> much on our plate this morning including talking about the story in the nba still unfolding. gilbert arenas, one of the stars of the league, allegedly drew a gun on one his teammates in the locker room. it wasn't loaded. he's going to face law enforcement authorities today. but this is a bad and volatile mix, professional athletes and gruns. also this morning, in health watch wil tell you why one of your and especially your teenager's new year's resolutions should to be get more sleep p there is proof that the later the bedtime, the more serious problems it could lead to and dr. jennifer ashton will give us all the details. but first this morning,
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president obama back to the white house this morning after vacationing in hawaii and priority one will be figuring out how a would tsh be bomber boarded a plane over christmas and what needs to change. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plant is live at the white house with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the events of these past 11 days prove the point that a president no matter where he is never really on vacation. the obamas left hawaii early this morning just about the time things were finally getting back to normal at one of the busiest u.s. airports. an entire terminal of holiday travelers at the new jersey's new york liberty international had to be rescreened after someone entered the gate area through an exit. the whole process took six hours. >> we were on the plane and they said you have to get off. >> reporter: starting today, international passengers flying to the u.s. face new scrutiny. >> step inside the machine right here. >> reporter: all passengers originating from 14 country, among them nigeria, pakistan,
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somalia and yemen, will face more intensive screening techniques including pat-downs and hand checks of all carry-on luggage. tomorrow president obama meets with security advisers to discuss what additional steps need to be taken to tighten security. a cold reality that overshadowed the first family's hawaiian vacation. >> hey, guys. ready to go back? >> we're ready. are you ready? >> are we all in? >> reporter: one question which has all of washington wondering and which the president will have to xwrap well when he returns later today is will any heads roll for the failure to connect the dots on the in-telling against surrounding the attempted christmas day bombing of that plane in detroit. harry? >> bill plante, thanks so much. one of the issues president obama will also sgu with his advisers tomorrow is how to control the spread of terrorism to yemen. cbs news correspondent elizabeth palmer is in london with more on
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that growing hot spot. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, harry. indeed a hot spot. ever since it became clear that the failed detroit bomber abdulmutallab got his training and perhaps even his explosives in yemen. in the yemeni capital saana, the u.s. embassy is closed for the second day in a row after a senior white house counterterrorism official said al qaeda may be planning an attack. it wouldn't be the first time. in 2008, 19 people died when the embassy was bombed and rocketed by a group calling itself islamic jihad. and back in 2000, the uss cole was bombed on a stop in yemen for refueling. over the weekend, general david petraeus made a surprise visit to yemen to meet the president. he also announced the u.s. will more than double its $67 million counterterrorism aid package to this poor and heavily tribaled
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country which has been battling a civil war for a decade. but even an expanded aid program may not be enough to tackle the threats from al qaeda and its sympathiz sympathizers. >> it's extremely difficult to eliminate the terrorist fractions because even the yemeni government doesn't have full control over its territory. >> reporter: the government under heavy pressure to tackle mill tan city is trying, though. it ordered two missile strike mis-december on what it called al qaeda targets which is says killed at least 30 fighters. now, the growth of evidence that shows the extent of terrorism in yemen is going to complicate efforts to close down guantanamo this year. of the 198 detainees still there, 89 of them are i can't make yemeni. thank you very much. joining us now, richard haass, president of the council of foreign relations. describe yemen to me. is it as bad as somalia, is it a
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totally failed state? >> not totally failed, but yeah city failed. it's failing. it's a country of nearly 25 million people. you've got several in-ser recollectionsing for on, the government is not in control of large parts of the territory. this is not really a sovereign place. you've got tribes, you have separatist group, terrorist organizations. exceptionally slightly out of control. think of it as the wild west. >> is that why it has been such a rich and fertile ground for al qaeda to find rev few there? >> exactly right. al qaeda fills vacuums. it's no coincidence that al qaeda is active in places like yemen, like somalia, like pakistan. in the old days in:00 h. afghanistan. they fill the spaces where the sovereign government is unable or unwilling to exercise authority. >> and he is speak l. specially in the case of afghanistan where we are pouring more and more troops, al qaeda just trips over into the no map's land between pakistan and afghanistan. and especially into a place like yemen. do you foresee, for instance,
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somehow in the future united states forces chasing al qaeda in to a place like yemen? >> possibly with small numbers of u.s. troop, the special forces team using drones. but the real policy is to partner with the local government. to put it bluntly, we can't occupy the world. we can't occupy afghanistan. we're not allowed in serious ways in to pakistan. we can't go into yemen and somalia and everywhere else. instead, we have to try to build up the capacities of these governments, but that's a long and ticket and in the end incomplete effort. >> and elizabeth palmer just said we'll double our money, put double down in yemen. if there really isn't much of a government there, how wise is an investment like that? >> it's a wise investment, but we shouldn't expect complete success. so we'll guild up some capacity, we'll have to do some more things ourselves, but think of it this as like fighting disease. every once in a while you make some progress, but you never eliminate the virus. you're not going to eliminate yemen as a place where the virus of terrorism exercises itself.
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>> let's talk then about -- so there's yemen, so malia. will we anticipate a time you can't eliminate the disease all together. >> >> this is part of the architecture of our lives. terrorism is probably here to stay. we question after it when we can. we protect ourselves as best we can. we get better at recovery, at making ourselves more resilient. but terrorism is something we have to fight, but also live it with. and we also have to prepare ours for those awful days like 9/11 when the terrorists will succeed. they will have good day, we will have bad days, like we saw in aching the other day when they wimed out an important part of our ci achlt team. there will be bad days for us. this is a struggle and struggles continue. they tend not to end. >> tom kean may have suggested this alleged terrorist on christmas day may have been in its own way a blessing in dissize to re-remind everyone that this is something that's
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always with us. >> the governor was right. but it's depressing that we need to be reminded. one of the lessons of 9/11 was we need to integrate the information. we've clearly failed to do that. i hope we don't need another remi reminder. >> also a pleasure. thank you so much. now to the bitter deep freeze gripping the country from the rockies all the way down to florida. forecasters say it could stay that way most of the week. cbs news national correspondent dean reynolds has the latest. >> reporter: temperatures dropped below zero from the northern plains across the mississippi valley. while in the northeast, it was little better with temperatures in the 20s. even the southeast got the treatment with temperatures dipping down into the 30s. lake-effect snow dumped nine inches on buffalo, new york and up to 15 inches in the suburbs. a record setting nearly three feet of snow fell on burlington, vermont, one of the biggest storms that town has ever seen. the combination of snow and wind driven gusts cause dangerous driving conditions across
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massachusetts, making cleanup difficult for many. >> this is good, this is the second or third time i've shoveled today. the wind keeps blowing everything back on the driveway. >> reporter: but minnesota registered the coldest temperature in the country from 20 below in eden prairie to an arctic like 36 below in crane lake. no big deal for hearty minnesota. >> i can handle it. i'm cold, but i've been around the block. i was shoveling snow last week in a t-shirt. >> that was dean reynolds reporting from i hear very cold and gusty chicago this morning. >> perfect weather for ice fishing. >> you know what, it is. people in minnesota are loving this weather. let's take a check and see what's happening all across the country because a lot of people have question, how long will this last, how far south does it go? look at these temperatures. atlanta this morning, you'll see a high temperature of 29. but 19 this morning. colder in atlanta than anywhere in maine. a storm system off the eastern seaboard of new england spinning all that cold air back and look
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at these temperatures. 5 in des moines, 8 in fargo. keep in mind by the mid week, another system will roll on through and we could be talking about temperatures 30 degrees cooler than this. and these cold temperatures dip down to places like northwest arkansas where you'll see some snow today and southwestern missouri. let's widen out the picture and talk about the northwest. we'll see rain roll on through today. the place to be the southwest, just beautiful. and get your
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11 minutes past the hour. let's turn it over to russ mitchell for a look at our headlines this morning. happy new year. there is news this morning that the first american combat deaths of the year in afghanistan, four american service members were killed by a roadside bomb sunday in the southern part of the country. last year roadside bombs accounted for almost half of the u.s. military deaths in afghanistan. five americans are in court this morning in pakistan and deny planning to carry out terrorist attacks. the lawyer for the five young men from the washington, d.c. area says they planned to help their fellow muslims. suspects deny links to al qaeda. they are facing possible life sentences if convicted on terror charges. and the world's tallest building officially opens its doors today in dubai. it's reportedly more than 2600 feet high, twice the height of the empire state building. it has more than 160 stories. it breaks the record for the highest observation deck, which is on the 124th floor,
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developers said today it cost about $1.5 billion to build. i understand there are some apartments left there in this case you're interested. it is 7:12. write your checks. >> i'm move manage to makiing i. up next, a high-tech way to find missing utah mom susan powell begins today. we'll talk with one of her closest friends. also, an nba star faces tough questions about why he allegedly pointed a gun at a teammate. and important information for parents of teenagers, why sleep can help your kids from being depressed or worse. you're watching the erldry show oig on cbs. my victory? would be... hearing those four little words, "have you lost weight?" be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at lash stiletto from maybelline new york. staggering length...
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"5 days, mom. 10 days, mom." i think after 30 days he got tired of counting. [ male announcer ] talk to your doctor to find out if prescription chantix is right for you. welcome back to "the early show." this morning friends and family of missing mom susan powell are
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launching a massive new effort today to try to find her. cbs news correspondent michelle gielan hases the latest on the desperate search. >> reporter: it's been 29 days since susan powell was last seen alive. these are some of the final photos taken before she vanished. police have named susan's husband, josh, the soul person of interest in her it is appearance. >> the fact that george bush with a has been named a person of interest in this case deeply saddens the family. but it is not a surprise. given the events and his creations. >> reporter: josh powell claims susan was home and alive when he took their young sons camping late at might in subfreezing temperatures. >> you know, i got out to a pretty late start. >> 9ish, something like that? >> no, it was later. >> reporter: police say he's been uncooperative since. susan's father, chuck cost, did get to see his grandsons for christmas, but felt an emptiness without sus ap. her close friends spent the holiday season praying and passing out flyers.
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but they are starting the new year with a high-tech approach launching a media blitz on social networking sites. michelle gielan, cbs news, new york. joining us to talk more about that from salt lake city thong rkz one of susan's closest friends, kiirsi hellewell. i think this is such a terrific idea, this experiment of seeing if we as the country can take to the internet and figure out what happened to susan. what are you hope willing come of this media blitz? >> we are hoping that millions of people will see her name and her picture and that somebody somewhere will have something in their him other jogged or somebody who knows something will come forward and be able to help us find her. >> so you'll put this on twitter, facebook, myspace, the works? >> right. everywhere. podcasts, blog, e-mail, everywhere we possibly can. >> what does your gut tell you about what happened to susan? >> i know that she was -- whatever happened was against her will. she would never have leftler family. it's very scary. it's very hch-something that
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we're constantly worried about and afraid about and we're just trying to hold out hope that she's still alive. >> the story that her husband tells about taking the two boys out so late at night and leaving her home, does that sound strange to you? have you spoken to josh since he was named a person of interest? >> i have spoken to him several times and, yes, his story is very, very strange. i think that everybody agrees that it's a very strange story and nobody can understand it. >> do you think police are doing enough as far as focussing on him? >> i think the police are doing a really good job and they're not telling us anything, which is really hard to sit here every day and wait and hope for news and not hear anything, but i have faith and confidence in them that they're doing a very between job and that they will be able to bringler home. >> what about those two little boys ages one and four spending christmas without their mom? i know you were with them poo while during the holidays. how are they doing? >> last i saw, they were actually doing pretty well. they seemed pretty normal. they seemed happy. they likeded to sit on my lap and color and they seemed to be doing okay. >> and lastly, please remind us
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why we should all go to the internet, take part in this three day effort that you are launching and listienlisting thn public. remind us what makes susan so special. >> she's kind, loving, she has two little boys who need their moment and her family is heart broken. we need everybody's help. >> thank you for taking the time this morning. >> thank you. still to come here on "the early show," nba star gilbert arenas in trouble again this, it time for allegedly pulling a gun on a teammate. we'll take you inside the culture of guns and the nba. don't go away. >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kellogg's special k products. is to train for a marathon. be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at that's right. ( laughs )
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very excited this morning for the return of bobby flay. >> he arrive as whipper. >> yes, he does. iron chef last night, all of the food from the white house garden. i mean, it was a showdown to end all showdowns. and bobby and the white house chef kicked some butt last night. >> yes, they did. also this morning, you'll feel like you can kick some anything after you see this diet. this is supposed to give you energy, right? new year, this is not about gimmicks. this is not about fads. this is a new book that one of our favorite people, keri glassman, has written and she explain this is diet called the o 2 diet. >> 067892. >> o 2. and we'll tell you what it's all about. >> so my wife made cabbage soup yesterday because we're trying to -- >> hthis is more appetizing tha cabbage soup. we'll be right back with all the details. é
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you're looking at a live shot of the city and central park. 12 degrees i understand when mr. harry smith walked across the park this morning. >> balmy. >> why do you do it when it's so cold? >>. >> it's not an issue, it's just why wouldn't you. >> okay. because it's cold. >> it's chilly. >> invigorating, i bet. >> hearty mid western. it's not a big deal for us. >> i'd sit in the car. with he will come back. coming up, very important information for parents. et's long been thought that teenagers do not need as much sleep as younger kid, but a new study suggests that they may actually need even more. and better sleep could help prevent depression and other serious problems. we'll tell you about it. and on a much lighter note,
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bobby flay teamed up with cris comeford on iron chef america last night. they took on a very tough team of emeril lagasse and mario about a tally. guess who came out the big winners? bobby is here to tell us all about his big victory. but first the nba is suffering another hit to its image. one of the game's star, gilbert arenas of the washington wizards, is accused of drawing a gun on a 250e78 mate. bianca solorzano is with us in the studio with more. >> good morning. wizards point guard gilbert arenas is expected to face more questions today, but this time they'll be coming from law enforcement officials as part of their investigation into the alleged gun play inside the team's locker room. >> reporter: he's an nba all-star, known for his moves on the court. but it's what happened inside the washington wizards lker room that has gilbert arenas facing possible criminal charges and league penalties.
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>> if i have to do the police investigation that's what i have to deal with. >> reporter: according to reports, it all stems from a card game on a december 19th team flight. arenas wound up owning kriten ton $60,000. two days later, the players had a heated argument in the wizards locker room. at one point, the men aimed guns at each other. arenas denies gambling, but he has admitted to storing unloaded guns in the locker room. which is against nba policy. >> that was bad judgment on my part, you know, storing them here. i take responsibility for that. >> reporter: the u.s. attorney's office in washington, d.c. along with local police are now investigating. >> whether it be a vip, a police officer or anybody else, we treat them all the same. so you have my word that the metropolitan police department will handle it just like any other case. >> reporter: one of his former teammates says he was known for egt collecting guns. >> he's probably the person who shouldn't have the gun and the fact that he brought it into the
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locker room, just so many different bad scenarios that could happen from that. >> the latest report by the new york "post" name as third teammate, mcgee, involved in that high stakes card game, but says he was not a part the locker room incident. meanwhile kriten ton, who also faces gun charges, has reportedly hired a lawyer. >> thank you so much. joining us now from los angeles is former nba player kenny smith, new basketball analyst for tnt. kenny, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> any possible excuse or explanation for why gilbert arenas loaded or not loaded would have guns in a locker room in the nba? >> well, i think it's bad discretion and it shows just probably a lack of immaturity on fwil bert's part. more than anything else. i think he has an idea of about how he said -- the reason he had it there was to take it away from the home, but it's bad
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judgment and being very immature. >> is there a sub culture of guns, is there a sub culture of gambling in the nba? >> i think that first with gilbert, to me from what i know of him and about him, he's definitely not a menacing person. however, he at times has been very immature. and the subculture so to speak that it's an american problem is sguns and gambling. it doesn't make the nba immune to it. ic a lot of people think because you're in the nba all of a sudden things become immune to societal problems. societal problems is not going to stop at the washington wizard as arena. >> some people have talked about why certain players might want to carry a gun. there are incidents of professional sports athletes being assaulted. is it about image or is it about
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safety? >> i think it's a little bit of both. you look at a lot of nba players, they feel that -- if you look at them first, i think they're wealthy young men who are really one degree of separation from their friends, their family members who aren't wealthy. so they still will be in areas around the country that aren't your safest neighborhoods. so their mindset is, okay, i'll protect myself or i'll hire security to protect myself, but i think this is just a case of being immature and not realizing the consequences of what could happen with a gun in the arena. and you buy insurance for what might happen. if you get caught drunk driving, it's because of what might happen, not what did happen. and he's fortunate that nothing did happen because it could have been a consequence that would he have regretted for a long time. >> you just wonder if these guys
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did not ever hear the story of plaxico burris. i mean, this is -- the guy's in jail for crying out loud. >> and like i said, i think the one thing that plaxico burris, you've heard of jason williams, and i think that it's really a sign of immaturity on his part more and poor judgment. like i said, i don't think gilbert arenas is a menacing person at all, i know him, i've met him, but this is just a sign of immaturity. >> thanks so much forgetting up so early for us. do appreciate it. >> no problem. dave, who is back from iraq, how many trips? >> this is my sixth to either iraq or afghanistan. >> you entertain the troops? >> i wouldn't have it any other way. i get even more out of it than they do. it's remarkable. a day shouldn't go by when we don't thank the troops for what they're doing. but back to the business at hand. southern shivers. look at this. temperatures not getting out of the mid-50s as you head to
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miami. 40s as you head orlando north. look at those temperatures in savannah, georgia, montgomery, alabama, 20s and 30s town, frost and freeze warnings. we'll widen out the picture. teens in south carolina and north georgia, northeastern mississippi and central arkansas, it will be very, very cold and another system rolls through into the rockies which is going bring frigid temperatures to the northern plain states as we head into the mid week. that and of course lake-effect snow blowing.
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that's a quick look at your weather picture. best praise to be, the desert southwest, play a round of golf, charge to harry's account, the smith account. >> not a problem. >> somehow i don't position that's where they're going to send you this week to cover the weather. >> somehow i fre. >> thank you, dave. coming up next, a disturbing link between kids, sleep and depression. we'll tell you you what everybody parent needs to know here on "the early show" on cbs. my victory? ( laughter ) to look in the mirror and like the woman looking back at me. be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at 6 years. i've had asthma forever. i never knew why my asthma symptoms kept coming back... ...kept coming back... ...or that i could help prevent them in the first place. the problem was that my controller medicine... ...was treating only 1 main cause of asthma symptoms. but there are 2.
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a new study shows that teens who don't get enough sleep are far more likely to suffer from depression or even have suicidal thoughts. dr. jennifer ashton is here with more. good morning. >> good morning. >> what does the study find? >> this is a very reputable study, they looked at over 15,000 teenagers from 7th to 12th grade and found a couple of things. those who got five hours of sleep or less were 71% more likely to report symptoms of depression and 48% more likely to have thoughts of suicide than
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those who slept -- >> these are huge numbers. >> they found other things. they found that those teenage who are went to sleep after 12. :00 midnight were 20% more likely to have thoughts of suicide if they went to sleep at midnight or later. so, again, we know sleep is important. we talked about it on the show many times. but this is really one of the first studies to make such a powerful link between depression and suicidal thoughts. >> it surprises me that it's true because normally you'd think that when a child gets older they just don't need as much sleep. >> that's right. i have two pre-teens and in my house this, is a nightly struggle to get them to go to sleep early and surely every parent can can relate, but yet it's true. the thinking now is that teenage year, that those children might actually need more sleep than a child in grade school. so this is a very important thing that parents really need to be aware of. >> so how many hours do you think teenagers should be get something. >> the ideal number is nine or
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more. now, again, you can always get an excessive amount 36 we're talk around nine or ten. sthee go to sleen by 10:00 at night. you also need mention that soring it up on the weekends is not protective, so they really need to get this sleep on an hourly basis. >> this is such a great reminder about why we can't skimp on sleep. >> mental health can cannot be effected. and the other thing that was found in the study that i think was significant is those children who got less sleep or whose parents were not rigidly enforcing set bedtimes were more likely to report that they didn't think their parents cared about them as much. so there are wide simply indications. >> so your kids almost want you even if they don't say it -- >> you should enforce their bedtimes. >> spoken like a mom and a doctor. thanks so much. for more, photo now where is harry? >> right over here on the couch
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with possible biplay. he's won plenty of times. i'm not sure if any victory was as important as last night. >> last might was very important for lots of reasons. >> here to talk about who served up the winning dish on last night's iron chef battle with ingredients from the white house when we come back. without these. ♪ be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only new dove has nutriummoisture... which can nourish deep down. new dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. wellbeing.
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like being able to work anywhere in the u.s. with my current license. it's good to know you're working with the best. and that's good for our veterans. (announcer) learn more about careers with today's va at it was a battle royal last night on iron chef america. our own bobby flay teamed up with the white house chef. >> they took on a tough team, emeril lagasse and mario batali, and guess what, bobby won. that's why he's here this morning to brag. just kidding. >> it was a very tough battle. it was -- i watched it last night at home with my wife and i knew what happened and i was still really kind of -- >> nervous watching it? >> yeah, really well. >> how do you go about doing this? >> first of all, it was a really important iron chef. they call it the super chef
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battle because it was mario batali, emeril lagasse, two veterans of the kitchen. and i actually chose the chef of the white house, cris comeford, who is the executive chef there. and i met chef comeford when i cooked at the white house father's day. and so i said we're doing this it at the white house, michelle obama the first lady was generous enough to give us the garden of the white house as the secret ingredient. and it was terrific because it really created lots of conversation about what the garden really means to the white house. and the first lady really got a chance to talk about her initiative, getting kids to eat better across the country. >> and look at these rocking ingredients. >> the garden is really is symbol for the first lady's message, but i'll tell you, it's a fantastic garden. >> what kind of inagreed ye gra
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ingredients did you use? >> japanese eggplant -- >> sweet potatoes. >> i asked if there's one in-greend yept shy not pass up, which should it be. and she said we have to use the sweet potatoes. >> when i judged, you won, but it was by a hair because these can be tight. how tight was it do you know? >> well, last night they put the score up and we won by five points. it was a very, very close battle. >> congrats. >> thank you so much. still to come, thousand flip a switch in your been and help you lose those unwanted holiday pounds. you're on the "early show" on cbs. "have you lost weight?" be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at lash stiletto from maybelline new york. staggering length... up to 70% longer
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7:51 am
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have you gotten your seasonal flu vaccination? great - but your work's not done yet. we still need to get the h1n1 flu vaccination. you, me -- we should all get one. the vaccine is safe and proven effective against this highly contagious new strain of flu virus. we can help prevent the spread of this virus if we all just roll up our sleeves. to learn more about the h1n1 flu vaccination visit or call your local health department it's up to you to fight the flu.
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6 years. i've had asthma forever. i never knew why my asthma symptoms kept coming back... ...kept coming back... ...or that i could help prevent them in the first place. the problem was that my controller medicine...
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it's a chilly morning in morning city. clear skies and an intrepid group out there. bundled up. welcome back to "the early show." i'm harry smith. >> and i'm maggie rodriguez. we have a lot coming up in this hour. a new year, a lot of people resolve to start dieting, but we're here to tell you that should you not think about traditional diets. this is a new die thaet doesn't focus on calories or fat or carbs. it focuses on getting rid of free radicals.
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keri glassman has broken it down in a really easy way. >> think of this as a cold war for your body. >> yes. >> the free radicals depends the answerity oxidants and it's going to be a battle that can be won. >> and the antioxidants will be victorious. >> plus if you're in the mood to hit had the road, peter greenberg is here with great deals on amazing places that are just a bit off the beaten path. and could become the hot new travel destinations in 2010. >> i want to go there. >> where that rock was. we'll find out where that was. but first over to the news desk where russ mitchell is standing by. good morning, happy new year. >> same to you. free radicals. it's like the '60s here. good morning, everybody. passengers flying in to the u.s. face tougher security measures today. every traveling through 14 nations will face extra
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scrutiny. they will go through full pat-downs and passengers face increased threat based screening. a security breach at one of the main terminals at new york uhe liberty yesterday. thousands had to be rescreened after a man went through the wrong side of a security check point last night. the all clear was given about 1:00 this morning, but the man was never found. four american service members have been killed in afghanistan. they were the victims of a roadside bomb in southern afghanistan yesterday. the four americans are the first fatalities in that cup this year. after more than a month on the run, a florida man wanted for killing four relatives on thanksgiving day is behind bars this morning after his capture in the florida keys. cbs news correspondent mark strassmann reports. >> reporter: it was the ending so many people had hoped for. >> i'm glad that the monster is in a kablg. >> reporter: for jim sitton and his family, there is a bisigh of relief. paul marriage otherwise was arrested last saturday night pep had been on the run for more than a month. merhige is accused of fatally
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shooting his 33-year-old twin sister, a 79-year-old aunt, and sitton's 6-year-old daughter at a family thanksgiving gathering in jupiter, florida. authorities were able to track down merhige from a tip that came in from the owner of the motel merhige had checked into in the florida keys. more than 108 miles south of jupiter. the motel owners had recognized him from a preview of the show "america's most wanted" and then called the show's tip line. >> the first thing the news flashed his face on the screen and i go, you know, that's him. >> reporter: merhige had been camping out in this florida motel room alone under fake name. he used only cash, stockpiled canned food and had covered his blue toyota to conceal it. >> we can begin the process of mourning. >> reporter: how in custody, merhige faces four counts of first-degree murder. mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. also this morning, it looks
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like tiger woods may pay dearly for his infidelity. his wife elin is telling friends she's getting $300 million in a divorce. this according to news of the world. the paper also says she refused to let him see their kids at christmas and it also says that the golfer is keeping out of sight at a new york hotel. it is now 8:04 on this first month of 2010. dave price is outside with a look at the weather. david, what are you looking for? >> i'm just looking for tiger woods, russ. i want to break the big story right here on cbs. nice to see you. if you want to know where the rest of the crowd went, we actually were kind enough to let them warm up in our freezer downstairs. that's how cold it is. but we have some intrepid visitors from theburg oig, the south hills of pittsburgh, pennsylvania, they want us on kdca. and from a very tiny section of connecticut called -- >> quiet corner. >> appropriately so. let's take a check on the maps. looking for great weather, head to the southwest.
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areas of downtown los angeles, could you get up to 80 degrees today. rain as you head to the pacific northwest. bitter cold as you head to places like florida and georgia into the carolinas. and another cold arctic blast rolls on in, we're talking about temperatures 20 to 30 degrees blow zero overnight and in the mornings, as well. so it ain't over not by a long shot. cold area across much of the country this week. that's a quick look at our national maps.
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>> announcer: this weather report sponsored by kellogg's special k products. that's a quick look at your weather picture. and if you wonder how i do that, i'm jth athletic. >> you're not even out of breath. >> no, not at all. >> very his. >> what are we doing here? >> i was going to make you talk for a little while to watch you be out of breath. no, we are breathless here in anticipation because we have a very important announcement to make. >> yes, we brought the family together. i want to tell you and all of you, you guys will be up kells. i'm pregnant. you knew. they didn't know. so now the cat is out of the bag. four months pregnant. feeling very pregnant. >> what does that make the due date then in. >> official due date is july 1st, but i don't think i'll make it. this is not july. this is like tomorrow. >> wow. >> no, i grew over the holidays.
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there it is. >> is there a -- is there a pop date where all of a sudden you walk up and or like -- >> yes. i don't know if it's an official thing, we could ask dr. ashton, but i promise you last week during the week i popped out. and i think with your second baby, this is my second, you pop out sooner. >> so you're like an oven he is h. roaster in the most attractive way. >> yes, i am. is that anyway it talk to your niece or nephew? >> that's just great. >> how do you feel is this. >> i feel much better. i had a really rough first trimester. i won't go into it, but it was not fun. >> we almost let the cat out of the bag monday because i said something about because you were eating crackers like crazy. and that can only mean usually one thing. >> yeah, part of this is the crackers and the turkey and the holidays. >> no, no. that's -- you know, compensation for morning sick ms. >> the most important question,
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how is the he wouldest child going to be handling this? >> she, my 4-year-old daughter, so excited. she just keeps asking me why does it take so long for the baby to come out. can the baby come out today? i said not yet. >> do we know boy or a girl? >> we'll find out in a few weeks. >> are you into to go tell is this. >> oh, yeah, sure. and then you can all help me position of names. >> oh, good. >> can we vote? >> sure. >> will the votes count? >> maybe not. >> there we go. >> any early front-runners? >> no, i haven't even thought of it. >> one more time, what's the due date? >> july 1st. place your bets. >> you could also have the daeb on flag day, june 14th. >> or independence day, july 4th. >> or labor day. >> i want it out sooner, not later. >> if she has it labor day, there is a headline. >> just a thought. >> anyway, we'll keep you posted. up next, i'm going to get bigger, but you can shed those extra holiday pounds and build a you knew you in the new year. we'll show you how when we come
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back. my victory? is showing isabelle that mommy feels confident. ♪ be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at ♪ some washed mirrors with soap. others, dove. ( water running, gasp ) soap leaves soap-scum. you can't see it on your skin, but you can see it here. dove is different. skin is soft, smooth, soap-scum free. really soft, really smooth lips. my blistex new lip massage. the soft tip smoothes away rough spots, as emollients moisturize and protect. my lips feel amazing. discover bliss. discover blistex. find a way to eat right at work... grab it. 100% natural white meat chicken and no msg added. campbell's select harvest chicken
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with egg noodles soup. m'm! m'm! good! @ work. i watched what i ate. i worked out. personally, i thought i was invincible. once it happened, i realized it's a different story. i'm on an aspirin regimen now because i never want to feel that helplessness again. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone. so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i was the guy who was doing everything right. i was wrong. talk to your doctor, and take care of what you have to take care of. [ male announcer ] learn more about protecting your heart at yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you.
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the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. cl and now cheer presents "brighten bay" episode five: "sandy sees the light." (gasps) are you an angel? (laughing) no, i'm doctor dan. but your clothes, they're so bright. (chuckling) i use cheer. there's nothing worse than dingy clothes. now that she's seen the light, will sandy choose cheer? surprisingly bright, at a new lower price. to look in the mirror and like the woman looking back at me. be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at
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it's a new year. time for a new you. we're starting our new series with great tips on jump-starting your diet. here with some advice on how to shed those unwanted holiday pounds and more importantly get held sthi kerry glass man, author of the o 2 diet. good morning. congrats on the book. >> thank you so much. >> very proud of you. i know you're so passionate about this stuff and now you've put it all in here for to us enjoy and understand. what is the o 2 diet? >> the o 2 diet is a high antioxidant based diet. i created it to help people feel empowered putting the best food misyour body. when you focus on poot puts the most new tree ebts rich foods in your body, you feel good, you have better energy, your skin looks better, you're more motivated to continue to eat way
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and as a byproduct of feeling great, you lose weight. >> so you're not looking at calories or fat or carbs. you're look looking at antioxidants. why in. >> anti-ogs dants are the super heros that fight the bad guy free radicals that are linked to heart disease, cancer, aging. >> we wouldn't necessarily know because it's not on the labels most of the time how to find foods that are rich in antioxidants, so the book does that for us. >> orac measure a food's antioxidant power. how well it will mop up the bad free radicals. >> so in addition to spelling out what foods contain antioxidants, you give us a die thaet starts with a four day cleanse. that's what you'll show us today? >> today is all about the four day cleanse. you'll lose two to five pounds depending on how you're already eating. we start with breakfast and we have eggs with dried base i will, green tea and water with lemon. and i suggest drinking the water with lemon throughout the day.
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the eggs we know will provide some protein, they help us feel full through the day. i suggest herbs and spices at every meal. a calorie freeway to spice up, add flavor to your food. and green tea is one of the loves of my life. and some may even help burn fat. >> the next thing, apples? the cinnamon is what i found most intriguing. >> again antioxidant calorie free boost and it also helps maintain blood sugar levels and just the smell researchers have found may relieve investigatist. >> do you have a goal in the book for how much orac -- >> 30,000 each day, but with the cleanse, you get over 50,000 orac points for the four days that you're on the cleanse. so you're getting that jump-start boost at the beginning. >> so we've had breakfast, snack. >> lunch, we have spinach,
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salmon with oregano, and pecans. you can flavor the spin on which and salmon with any flavor vin gap and we also have the water with lemon. spich afternoon lots of antioxida antioxidants. and herbs and spices. and pecans, an excellent orac nut. >> and yet another snack, art chokes. >> low in calorie, high in favor, also a beauty food. some of the antioxidants act as anti-inflammatories. and they take a while to eat, you enjoy it. and enjoy that snack. sip it with that green tea again. >> and dinner, this is a big dinner. >> i really like people to fill up on those greens at dinner. it's a time when people have the time to get in two different veggies, so we have that great row main salad. research has found that women that's the lots of greens have brain 3r678 answer one to two years younger. and lots of other antioxidant value in spare gus, another way
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fill up. and one of my favorite brute, the blueberries. >> so why she should we start a diet with a cleanse? >> it really gives you and you boost. it's enough time these four days to change how you look and how you feel. also to change your mind set. i love when a client comes in and says i don't want those diet foods, i don't want artificial foods. and that changes your whole mindset to feel empowered about putting the best foods in your body. and the bow snnus is weight los. >> you can get more on the o 2 diet on our website, coming up next from romania to argentina, we're talking turkey about this year's great new travel spots. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. if my victory? not using my arms to hide my stomach anymore.
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♪ be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at ♪ with relief from dry, uncomfortable skin. only aveeno skin relief has an active naturals oat formula... to improve all five symptoms... of winter skin in just one day. discover the beauty and comfort of skin relief. only from aveeno. you need listerine® whitening® vibrant white™ rinse. the mouthwash that gets teeth four times whiter than the leading toothpaste. and kills bad breath germs. listerine® whitening vibrant white™. without these. ♪ be victorious™. take the special k challenge™. declare your victory at
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if you plan to do traveling, we have great spots at amazing prices courtesy of peter greenberg. good morning, sir. before we do anything else, these new tsa rules, new new ones in effect in the last 24 hours, especially for people coming into the united states. >> from about 14 separate countries even more pat-downs, more security. not too many of a surprise there, although there's a rumor that nechb canada, they're now going to ban all carry-on bags on flights to the united states. how i'm going to get on a plane with my laptop is a big -- i may show up naked. the line will go very quickly. >> run for your lives. let's talk about some of these great hot spots for travel opportunities in the year to come. one of your favorites is always argentina. why does it top your list?
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>> it is again simply because its its affordability, accessibility and great experience. the argentinean pay so he is 3.8 to the u.s. dollar. that is such a bargain. i took six people out to dinner at the best restaurant in bear knows air reese. what do you think the tab was with everything? >> 100 bucks. >> 109. not bad. but you go to the neighborhoods, great food, sgrat experience. and great antique shopping. this is the time to go this year, do your christmas shopping for next year. >> another one on the list, we have a lot of friends who go there and just rave about it, turkey. >> turkey for me is greeks without the attitude. it's less expensive, you have great experience, great history, great ruins. we found hotels that average about $140 a night for really great hotels in istanbul, which you can charter boats and see the entire turkish coast. it's really quite amazing. >> all right.
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romania. everything on the list, that's the one that surprises me. >> that's the sleeper destination if you like ski. go where the europeans know where the cool spots are. you can get rooms with lift tickets for 50 bucks a night. not bad. >> do they have wild dogs? >> we're not talking about trantran sell vein i can't. thailand a great destination for all sorts of places. phenomenal experience and totally affordable. >> and really slammed since the tsunami. >> but they recovered fast because tourism is such an important part of their economy. they had to fix it fast and they did. >> another great destination that people may not think about, go to moroccmorocco.
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>> the king has decided tourism will save this cup and they've rebuilt everything. one little word i have to give you, kreally have a great time. >> i talked to people who have taken great camel caravans. last but not least, the open seas. >> law of supply and demand. so much excess k35s. we're seeing western cruises for $399, long foreabout for about . and norwegian, about 80 bucks a night. >> and everything included. could you have a great vacation
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and be in a warm place for 08 bu80 bucks a night. great deal. still to ahh, this is just what the eight layers needed. hey guys, sorry we're late. milk looks warm. finally got the whole gang together: maple brown sugar, strawberry delight, blueberry muffin. yeah, a little family reunion. ( blowing, shouting ) what now? we're cereal here! what? just cooling it down. - enough said. - gotcha. yeah, safety first. whoo hoo! watch the whole grain. try kellogg's frosted mini-wheats hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot, new way... to keep your kids full and focused all morning. oops! dude, your eight layers are showing. mini-wheats hot. keeps 'em full, keeps 'em focused. have you gotten your seasonal flu vaccination? great - but your work's not done yet. we still need to get the h1n1 flu vaccination. you, me -- we should all get one. the vaccine is safe and proven effective against this highly contagious new strain of flu virus. we can help prevent the spread of this virus if we all just roll up our sleeves. to learn more about the h1n1 flu vaccination visit
8:24 am or call your local health department it's up to you to fight the flu. means freshness is always in season. rancher's reserve beef, guaranteed tender, says you're always ready to grill. and now, safeway has a new promise. a commitment to thousands of new everyday low prices. so you can get what you want. when you want it. at the price you need. today... and tomorrow. that's our promise.
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and that's... ingredients for life. safeway.
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by any measure, you'll love them. look for bigger biscuits, cinnamon rolls and crescents from pillsbury.
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welcome back. we appreciate the enthusiasm on the new year. you'd think there were like 100 people here. >> they've been here since the 31st. >> can i ask you about the hat shall. >> i'm dressed up as a news star today. >> did you pick that up in your travel sms. >>dy. if i was eastern europe and i said let me import this it to the states because this is going to be big in 2010. >> it wasn't illegal to bring in? >> no, this is all fake, i will have you know. >> it's the right thing to do to be wearing a hat this morning. >> although it's much warmer
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this morning i'm here to tell you, i can tell. it's balmy compared to yesterday. >> it's nothing compared to what the northern states are going through. >> i'm with you, balmy, nuts. >> sweater, turtleneck, a blanket she stole from somewhere, a poodle. >> welcome back to "the early show" on this chilly morning. coming up, we loved her in dharma, with you we love jenna elfman even more as billie in the sitcom "accidentally on purpose" on cbs. we'll check on the progress of her show and her praeg innocence city. >> is everybody on the show with child on this network? >> it is in the water. also we take you to a resort where health and wellness reign supreme. part of our new series where we show you how to take small steps to improve -- that's a bigger step -- improve your step. plus the cooking school back in session. katie lee is here to show us her secrets for roasting the perfect chicken. they say if you can roast a
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chicken successfully, are you a good chef. dave has a final check of the weather. >> let's get to it. i brought them all from home. they've been staying with me. part of our new home stay program right here in new york city. nice to see everybody. let's hit the maps, take you all the around the country and see what's happening. cold weather is our big headline. the story all week. let's not forget about the lake-effect snow, though along the eastern shores of some of the great lakes. could you see some added snow totals today. as we look to the south, there is where temperatures are very chilly. all the way down to miami where you're not going to top the speed limit today at 55 degrees. and into the carolinas, where temperatures will be bitterly cold for that portion of the country. into tomorrow, everybody, it is the place to be if you're going out to places like scottsdale and phoenix and southern california. you won the travel jackpot into the pacific northwest, it will be wet as another storm system
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rolls through and snow for the rockies. then an arctic blast rolling through dropping temperatures another 30 degrees or so in many locations. that's a quick look at our national maps. give yourselves a rou and now we rejoin our regularly scheduled warmth. harry? >> announcer: this portion of "the early show" sponsored by kellogg's special k products.
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♪ . we are kicking on of a new series called "it's a new day" where we look at how small change misyour life can yield big results. we begin with a visit to the exclusive can gone ranch resort in lenox, massachusetts. cbs news correspondent tara mergener reports. >> reporter: at this canyon ranch resort nestled deep in the berkshire mountain, health and wellness reign supreme. >> the work that we do centers around healthier life stilts. eating, fitness, sleep. so what would you like to improve about your health? >> reporter: meet doctor markly upon miss, corporate medical joint. for he and his staff, improving overall health is their life's work. the most effective way to get started he says is by setting goals. >> there's always something that we could do to get healthier for the new year. and that might be something simple like giving up soda or it might be trying to get to bed
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every night by 11:00. or it might be making sure they get out for that walk in the morning or that jog at noon. >> reporter: diet and exercise two key components of health are a way of life on the ranch. >> nutrition is really the foundation of everything that we do. it gives us energy, it really helps for boost our immune system. we of course have our greens. >> reporter: nutritionist chrissy wellington offers these tips for a balanced diet. >> stay civil, be creative. cooking is only as digt as you make it. introduce one new fruit or vegetable every single week. 30 grams of fiber is what most people should be striving to get. morse americans are dehydrated so we should be getting at least six to 12 cups of water in every single day. >> reporter: and she believes by taking small steps, we can all live longer, healthier lives. >> a lot of the illnesses that pop up these days, chronic fatigue, guy bland of course ca
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can be improved by including different colors throughout the day. >> reporter: another key to health is exercise. >> the secret is a variety of exercise. >> reporter: steve wheelock has spent the last 20 years at a fitness instructor, a successful workout routine consists much three major elements. >> sample some type of aerobic exercise, number of times a week, two to three times a week, and that's the cardiovascular benefit. second part is strength based exercise, working with some type of hand weights or cal less continuic based. third category would be next 5b9, keeping usage gil, working through ranges of motion. >> reporter: experts agree that short term goals and long term focus will lead to ultimate success. >> health is a life lock pursuit, a marathon, into the sprint. so the things that you can make little changes that are sustainable are most important. >> reporter: tara mergener for cbs news. and next week on "it's a new day," we will focus on small
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changes reaping big results in your personal finances. that's in parade magazine on sunday and here on "the early show" on monday. maggie? we first met her as a free spirited yoga instructor back in dar made and gregg. now jenna elfman is making us laugh in "accidentally on purpose." in this role she plays billie, a single woman who finds herself suddenly pregnant after a brief encounter with a much younger guy. and jenna elfman is here not in costume, she is actually also pregnant in real life. >> very. >> from your husband, to clarify. >> correct, my husband of 18 years. well, 14 years. been together 18 years. >> do you realize that every time cow on they's a prenancy announcement some today it was me. >> well, i bring reproduction, don't any congratulations. >> tharnk you. >> you're how far along? >> i'm seven months. i look much bigger and many people like to say that as i go through places like at the
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airport yesterday. the guys who in charge of the bag allege was telling me how humongous i was. i was and you hadsome, i flu all the way here, thank you. >> you mow what i get and i'm just four months? are you sure there aren't two in there? >> yeah, i hear a that a lot, too. >> do people realize that's in the right hipg to say? >> they go into baby mode and they don't realize there's a whole female package that has an esthetic awareness and -- yeah. >> we don't enjoy necessarily looking this way. >> no, not -- no. >> i think we can justify it because it's both our second pregnancies and we agreed we glot bigger a lot faster this time. >> very fast. i looked feef months pregnant when i was like three months pregnant honestly. so it's a great thing, it's just in that first try mess sister, you're showing a lot, but you don't look pregnant. and then the last trimester you feel like a whale. the middle one is kind of fun. >> and so your 2-year-old son is excited about it? >> very. he's just loving and he gives my
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belly kisses and rubs it. says baby. and very sweet. wants baby on to come out and play trains. >> very cute. and soon the baby will come out. and the baby will come out soon if your character on the show too. was it a coincidence? >> no, it was me being reproductively optimistic. i found out my character would be pregnant for the whole first season and i turned to my his and said this is a good time to have another baby. and luckily mother nature helped us out and everything went pretty smooth. >> and so your character has a would be night stand with zack and we see how the relationship is progressing. let's watch. >> how was work? >> long. what are you doing? >> eating odor eaters in my shoes. f >> watch out for the table. >> watch the floor lamp. >> they are getting along well.
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>> they are. in the episode we had right before we went into christmas reruns, he proposed. because we were not together, we were not dating, we were trying to keep it platonic. so how when we come back with new episodes in january 11th, we see how this relationship is progressing and i don't want to give anything away, but it's -- well, going well. she gets to have fun with -- they had chemistry in the place first otherwise they wouldn't have gotten together and they wouldn't have ended up pregnant, so it's actually been very fun to play this character having this relationship with him and getting to explore that has been really nice. we both have really enjoyed playing that. it just feels -- there's such a nice couple and it feels good to be able to engage in like those types of not just the kissing, which -- but like having those conversations and those kind of exchanges together in that way, it's been really fun. >> it will be fun to see where it goes. thank you so much. between luck with the show and especially with the baby. >> and you. >> that you think.
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"accidentally on purpose" airs tonight 8:30, 7:30 central right here on cbs. and don't forget to tune in next monday for that all-new episode. now here's harry. the cbs news magazine "60 minutes" and "vanity fare" magazine have once again taking the pulse of america on a raching hot-button issues. here with the results, good morning, kids. these are always fun to do. we've had several of these before and we have interesting new questions and the first one we want to start with today, survey asked people what super power they would most like to have. what are our choices? if you were going to have a super power, what were the range of choices? >> the choices we gave were super strength, the ability to fly, the ability to become invisible, read people's minds, or x-ray vision.
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so what do you think, which one do you think americans chose? >> my world is dominated by teenaged boys. i'd go with x-ray vision. >> it would come in handy if you worked for the tsa, as well. actually, it was read people's minds. good for poker players. 35%. ability to fly, 21%. x-ray vision just 3%. >> let's go to the next one. you asked how people like to watch their prime time tv shows. >> how people consume their favorite prime time it tv shows. live on the air, is it on the internet, ipod or portable device, dv. >> referee: or tivo. what do you think they said? >> i hope they watch it live, but i'm going to sea tivo or dvr. >> i'll bet the people about your survey still watch it live.
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>> you're right. 69% still watch it live when they air. 20% tivo. 0% ipod. the enter sunset really depend end on age. those under 45 are ten times more likely to watch it on the bett internet. >> question number three, you asked what kind of movie if they would star in a movie, what kind of movie they would like to star in. >> that's a fun question. >> for instance, comedy with will ferrell, drama with meryl streep, romantic comedy with cameron diaz or george clooney, western with cleent eastwood, action movie with will smith. can i guess how you would respond knowing how much you love meryl streep in drama with meryl streep. >> flip of a coin. >> between that and -- >> will ferrell. >> because you love him, too. not in the same way.
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>> well, i say romantic comedy for sure with george clooney. >> that was the big result among women, 26% of women chose that. the overall winner was western with client east wad. and then came romantic comedy. action movie with will smith got 15%. comedy with will ferrell was 14%. and drama with meryl streep, just 13%. there's a question of who do you want to be on screen with. i wouldn't want to be on screen next to george cloon pi. >> what was the new year's question? >> we asked what people are sure to do in the new year. more time with family, quit job and find a new one, vote in an election, charitable work, lose weight or pay taxes on time. what do you think people said yes to? >> lose weight. >> there is a "new york times" cbs news poll that shows people are staying home a lot more that may not be what they want to do, but that would be my guess.
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>> lose weight. 90% of people said they want to spend more time with family. >> thank you very much. thanks for the complete -- if you would like to see the complete poll, go to 60 where you can also see cali and michael's web show. it is rocking. and check out the upcoming issue of van at this time fare i vani where you can see never before seen published pictures of tiger woods. up next, katie lee will show you house to cook up the perfect roasted chicken.
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we are going to be gourmets if it tab us all year. the early morning could being school back in session. >> katie lee is here to share her tips on how to make the perfect roasted which i can p. >> happy new year to you and con grat lagtss. >> thank you. our first recipe of the year. >> and this is the mark of a good cook. if you can make a good roast chicken, you're a good cook. it's easy. it looks a little intimidating, but i'll show you quick tips. and the first step, actually starts at the grocery store. you want to look for an organic chicken. they eat an all natural diet, no antibiotics, it will taste better and be better for you. >> it will taste better? >> taste much better. >> to question. there really is a significant difference between those -- the taste of those. >> definitely. it's worth the couple have a dollars. >> and you want it plump, too. >> yeah, these plump which i can p. we'll start by making an herb butter. it's about four table spoons of
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butter, be sure to let your butter goat room temperature so it's nice and soft. and then i have a few herbs here, a little rosemary, thyme, sage. quhae whatever herbs you have. whatever you like. >> so it's the freshness that matters. >> sicilamtro would be good, to. i have chicken in an iron skill let to make the grave have i later. and i also have sliced onions underneath. that props up our chicken and helps to cook more evenly. very important, do not be shy with the salt when you're doing this. >> almost like establishisteak . just load it on. >> salt the inside of the cavity. and now tuck our wings under. just take it and put it right underneath your chicken.
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tuck the we think under. >> it this wonthis won't hurt a. >> loosen the skin. don't tear it, just loosen it. ? how do you know when it's loose enough? >> when your fingers go all the way down in there. i'll take three-quarters of this butter and stuff it underneath that skin. really smear it in there. >> you have to get it right in there. >> i am all in. >> really massage it. take some of the butter and smear it on the outside. harry, i think you really like this. >> will this give me a nice brown skin? >> a nice brown skin and good flavor and it will run down into our pan and our grave have i will be good. >> massage your bird. >> really massage your bird. and now you want to clean this off. i don't want to have leftover butter.
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>> get all that butt every on the butter on there. >> get it all nice and salted on the outside. inside the bird, to sflafr flav even more, put a lemon inside, thmye and a whole bulb of garlic. it will give it flavor. and again our grave havey, it wn down in there. >> i like to put sage in there. >> put anything you want in there. >> this mart intimidates me. >> i'll show and you quick trick. instead of doing the whole formal trussing, we're just going to tie the legs. i'll do a figure 8 trick. take your twine, put it on top of the legs. pull it around and then go underneath the other leg, pull it around, and tie it together. that easy. just make a nice little bow and
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that will go right in to the offenof offenof offense like that. and your family can eat on this all week. i'll get one out of the oven. >> it smells so good. >> let me see your chicken, harry. looks pretty. will you you close the oven door for me? here you go. look how beautiful that is. 425 for an hour and a half. >> here's the real test. >> harry, i have to make the gravy. >> sorry. >> so we'll pick it up. look at all that good juice down will. let the juice run out of it. >> nice. >> if you want to find all the best details on how to roast your chicken, go to our website, >> maggie, there's a bun in the
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ov oven. >> yes, there is. have a great day, everyone. >> thank you so much. your local news is next. % cycycyc;c;ckccoc/c/
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hey, you made your own lunch. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care.
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choosey moms, choose jif. a look at traffic from angie goff in a moment. tomorrow 35 and on wednesday we are looking at a mix of sun and clouds, 37, so not quite as cold. we do see snow showers up here. a few starting to show up on the radars coming out of the mountains. we may see a couple. we have clouded up after seeing some sun earlier this morning. temperatures still on the cold side. 35 degrees here at baltimore. it is 23 in winchester.
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southern maryland we are looking at 34. don't know if they are 32, but that is what they are saying. yeah, the cold is still effecting the roads. we will begin with this. it is headed southbound at earnstown road. this is your outer loop. i can show you with are jammed from 95 over to georgia. we are bow low speeds over to eisenhower. one big solid delay all the way to the bridge. >> kind of breezy today, flurry or snow shower possible. quiet and cold through thursday. we'll watch that situation carefully. more cold on the way friday and saturday. the highs look like they will stay in the 20s.
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have yourself a great day. we'll see you on the other side of the break. n. rancher's reserve beef, guaranteed tender, says you're always ready to grill. and now, safeway has a new promise. a commitment to thousands of new everyday low prices. so you can get what you want. when you want it. at the price you need. today... and tomorrow. that's our promise. and that's... ingredients for life. safeway.
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